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Module 1 Design, Animals, Sound

This module covers design features, animal communication, and phonetics. 

Unit 1 Design Features  
Unit 2 Design Features Practice Quiz  
Unit 3 Animal Communication  
Unit 4 Animal Communication Practice Quiz  
Unit 5 Language and Sound  
Unit 6 Language and Sound Practice Quiz  
Unit 7 Quiz on Module 1  


Module 1 Input, Grammar Translation, Direct Method

Learn about three old school teaching methods

Unit 1 The Input Revolution  
Unit 2 The Input Revolution Practice Quiz  
Unit 3 Old School Grammar School  
Unit 4 Old School Grammar School Practice Quiz  
Unit 5 The Direct Method  
Unit 6 The Direct Method Practice Quiz  
Unit 7 Quiz on Module 1  


Module 1 MODULE 1


Unit 1 The Fundamentals of Language Education  
Unit 2 The Fundamentals of Language Education Practice Quiz  
Unit 3 Creative Communication for Language Learning  
Unit 4 Creative Communication for Language Learning Practice Quiz  
Unit 5 Unifying Theories for Language Teaching  
Unit 6 Unifying Theories for Language Teaching Practice Quiz  
Unit 7 Applied Topics -- Module 1 -- Units 1-3 Quiz  


Module 1 Planning, Speaking, Listening, Problems

Planning, Spoken Input and Output

Unit 1 The Main Jobs of a Teacher  
Unit 2 The Main Jobs of a Teacher Practice Quiz  
Unit 3 Teaching Spoken Input and Output  
Unit 4 Teaching Spoken Input and Output Practice Quiz  
Unit 5 The Problem Solving Recipe  
Unit 6 The Problem Solving Recipe Practice Quiz  
Unit 7 Applied Teaching Topics -- Module 1 -- Units 1-3 Quiz  

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